Entertainment at Rotherham (South Yorkshire) Working Mens and Social Clubs

A Rotherham Clubbers Tribute

King of Clubs

Rarely do we see an entertainer on the UK club circuit whose act has not been influenced at some stage by Elvis.
Just about every performance includes a number which has been recorded by Elvis during his career. This site has been designed to pay tribute both to Elvis himself and to those remarkable acts around our clubs.....

King of Clubs
Tribute Artistes

Statisticians suggest that in a short time one in every three people will be an Elvis impersonator...!!! Can’t see it myself but who knows..
Bringing together entertainment, clubs and Elvis means that we must mention a few of the Elvis Tribute Artistes here in the UK.  There are quiet a number so we may have missed a few....

Elvis Tribute Artistes
Elvis' World

Many websites exist around the world which are dedicated to Elvis Presley.  Our research at Clubbers has hopefully sorted out a few of the best to give you an insight into the following that Elvis still commands around the world. Links to these sites let you see original photos and listen to music which is difficult to find elsewhere.....

Elvis' World
[Home Page] [King of Clubs] [Tribute Acts] [Elvis' World] [Clubs in the UK]

©2005 - Rotherham Clubbers - www.rotherham.clubbers.net
Elvis & Elvis Presley are registered trademarks of Elvis Presley Interprises.
